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Mielle Organics Moisture RX Hawaiian Ginger Moisturizing Hair Butter 340gr


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This hair butter is made of fully natural ingredients that help to make dry and thirsty curly hair fresh and shiny and gave them the desired moisture. This hair moisturizing buttercream is applied after having a shower. This helps out to bring back the natural and fresh look of dry, untidy and rough curly hair and boosts the shine in the hair and after that, you can give them the desired style you want. It’s the perfect cream to add to the hair before styling if you are the person who likes twist-outs, braid-outs, or banty knots. It is best for damp and dry hair. But to avoid any kind of problem just remember the excessive and regular use of this buttercream on hair for styling can result in damaging the hair and reduces the strength and life of hair and hair starts falling rapidly.